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Monday, August 17, 2020

Gout code rewiew


Hi, my name is James and welcome to my The Gout Code  review. If you aren’t familiar with it then, in short, The Gout Code is an alternative treatment method that helps people to overcome gout – a chronic disease which is caused by high levels of uric acid in blood, in as little as 7 days without taking a single pill. In this review you’re going to find out if The Gout Code really works or is it just another big scam.

My Story

According to WebMD, gout affects about 4% of the whole population and 21% of adults in the United States. And I wasn’t an exception…Four years ago, I’ve experienced the strongest pain in my life. As I remember, it was a beautiful Sunday morning when I woke up. I was just about to stand up and make my bed when… agonizing pain struck through my left toe. I yelled out “Ouuuch!” and bent down to see what was causing that horrible pain. My big toe looked like someone smashed it with a hammer! The next day I went to my doctor and showed him my toe. He immediately said “It’s gout”, then he prescribed me steroidal medications and instructed me to take them twice a day. The cost was almost $300 a month! I prayed this prescription wouldn’t last long… However, as soon as I stopped taking pills, gout kept flaring up again and again. I was so fed up with those costly medications that only brought me short-term results. So, I started to look for an alternative and I found one.

The Gout Code ™: What it really is?


The Gout Code is all-natural gout treatment guide. Inside this manual, a former severe gout sufferer Lewis Parker reveals his natural treatment routine that helped him to achieve amazing results and get rid of gout and it’s related symptoms in just one week. In “The Gout Code” Lewis shows exactly what he did to finally become 100% gout-free without spending thousands of dollars on prescribed medications and other conventional treatments.

gout code review

To be honest with you, a guy who cured his gout in 7 days without medications and all BLAH BLAH BLAH made me think that The Gout Code might be a scam. For a man like me who suffered from gout for over 4 years – a promise to completely cure gout in just a week was simply a BIG BOLD CLAIM. I thought “How some kind of an e-book can help me long-term if prescribed medications can’t?” but I risked it because I had nothing to lose and bought it.

After receiving my order, I was actually surprised – in a good way! Firstly, The Gout Code was actually delivered after the payment (at that time I understood that IT ISN’T A SCAM!). Secondly, I was amazed of how much information I received!

The Gout Code e-book consists of 7 chapters (73 page long) + 6 FREE Bonuses (I will list them below).

Basically, I can personally divide The Gout Code manual into 4 different parts.

Part 1 – Introduction – In this part I found a lot of useful information about gout (such as, What is gout? What causes gout? What foods are good for gout? What stage is my gout?). I found all of this information useful and if I’ll ever need to read it again, I’ll surely do that.

Part 2 – Anti-Gout Diet – This and other 2 parts are, as I call, “practical” because from this point the actual gout treatment begins. In this part, I found recommendations on what to eat while I have gout and what not. And it’s not only that, here I also found  a sample of Anti-Gout Diet menu and the exact Gout-Friendly Diet! So making changes to my diet and sticking to it wasn’t hard at all.

Part 3 – Gout and Exercise – Alright, this part made me worry a little bit. I thought: “How can I exercise – my joints are so stiff!” but as I started to go through this part I understood that exercising with gout isn’t hard at all. Of course, I’m not talking about sprinting or pushing barbell off my chest. Lewis explained that even low physical activity can benefit gout sufferers and showed 3 simple stretches as long with 13 range of motion exercises. They were easy to follow because of given illustrations and detailed instructions.

Part 4 – Natural Remedies and Gout Prevention – This is the last part of The Gout Code. In short, here I found, as the author mentioned, “the most effective” natural remedies for gout. There were 10 remedies in total with the recommendations on how to use them.

6 FREE BONUSES – As I mentioned before, I also received 6 e-books as a bonus for the purchase. Free e-books were on these topics: weight loss, better sleep, stress reduction, overall well-being improvement. The total value of those e-books is $172, but Lewis gave me them absolutely for FREE! (Trust me, those are MUST-HAVE for every person who is looking after his/her health)

gout codeDid The Gout Code ™ help me?

Absolutely! Three days after I started to follow The Gode Code, my pain was almost gone! The swelling and red was barely visible and overall I felt much better. In fact, ’ve found more people who actually used The Gout Code and some of them got even better results than me! Here are few testimonials:

Will The Gout Code ™ help you?

If you can‘t stand the pain and lack of mobility anymore – don‘t wait any longer and try it while you still can. I can guarantee you that The Gout Code will help you more or less. It won‘t harm you aswell since it contains only natural treatment methods that are proven to work (no miracle pills).

What makes The Gout Code ™ unique?

Compatibility – The Gout Code is available in digital format only. In my opinion, this is an advantage because it can be easily downloaded and stored on my computer, smartphone or tablet as an e-book. However, if you don‘t like this feature, then there is always a possibility to simply print it and carry it wherever you want. I personally prefer the digital version more, because it‘s very easy to access. I simply download it on my iPad and read it whenever I want.

Clear and Concise – The e-book is written in plain words and contains no fluff. You’ll be directed into the actual routine and put it into practice on Day 1.

Credibility – The Gout Code was written by a man who is a former gout sufferer. I think that this gives credibility to this e-book. But if you are still not persuaded then there are another two indicators of trust. First, DoctorCertified™ verified The Gout Code and evaluated it as top-quality medical product. Second, The Gout Code is based on medical research, you can find references to various studies at the end of the manual.

Consistency – What I really like is that everything is explained in a step-by-step manner, so it shouldn‘t bring you any problems when you‘ll start following the The Gout Code.

Efficiency – According to my own personal experience and other users feedback I can safely say that The Gout Code really works.

Money-back guarantee – If, by any chance (which I doubt), The Gout Code won‘t give you any results in 60 days, then you can simply get your money back. So, it‘s a RISK-FREE investement to your health.

Lifetime support – another advantage of this product is a great support. I asked some questions related to The Gout Code and received a very prompt and comprehensive response. Lewis is like a doctor that consults his patients for FREE. View website



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